Build Impactful Email Messages With Ease

IntelliClick includes a powerful on-line HTML editor and template gallery. Use a gallery of 900+ professional grade email templates to help you get started with your campaign message. Upload and store your own images and use the included graphics editor to enhance your visuals.

Building email messages is fast and easy without the need for any technical skill. Benefit from messages that are designed to be viewed in all email applications. A rendering testing option allows you to preview how your messages will appear across mutliple email and mobile device platforms.

Choose from a wide variety of template categories which can be saved and reused from within your account at any time. Use the HTML editor to upload your images to a web server storage location, insuring graphics in your messages display properly to your recipients.


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IntelliClick Software

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United Kingdom: 01454 334430

Email: info@intelliclicksoftware.com